Re: Math in the Page Authoring Guidelines

Perhaps better would be
<OBJECT TYPE="text/xml" DATA="equation1.xml">
  <A HREF="equation1.html"><IMG SRC="equation1.gif" ALT="equation

Where equation1.html is the equation expressed verbally. Additional
formats, such as LaTeX could also be used as OBJECTs in cascade.

In any case, the problem is covered already in the guidelines, in
particular in the requirement for newer technologies to be supplemented by
some more accessible format, or for complex images, tables, etc, to have
accessible means of giving the information. (Depending on whether the
'show as images' or the 'insert MathML' method is the basic one.)

It is simply the example cases that are too restrictive, and by their
similarity allow the reader to imagine that they only apply to genuinely
graphic (and in limited cases audio) content.

Charles McCathieNevile

On Wed, 9 Dec 1998, Jason White wrote:

  The other alternative would be to use OBJECT to incorporate each
  mathematical expression into a document:
  <object type\"text/xml" data="equation1.xml" Equation 1, marked up in
  MathML </object>
  and likewise for every mathematical expression in the document.

Received on Tuesday, 8 December 1998 17:42:13 UTC