Re: Name of Page Author Guidelines

> I prefer:
> "HTML and CSS Accessible Design Guidelines"
> "HTML and CSS Guidelines for Accessible Design"
> "HTML and CSS Universal Design Guidelines"
> "HTML and CSS Accessible Authoring Guidelines" (weak)
> You get my drift.

Although it's mostly about HTML&CSS today, we will update it to
include more SMIL, XML, XSL, MathML, SVG, etc. in the future, so the
question is do we want to have to change a name that we are going to
promote as some kind of brand name in the upcoming year.

I agree Page is a vague term and I'll also add Author is ambiguous, as
it refers to different roles: the designer, the user of a wysiwyg
tool, the html-by-hand author, and maybe other.

These guidelines are really about what *is* in the Web pages, so I

 Web Content Accessible Guidelines.

Received on Wednesday, 11 November 1998 06:21:39 UTC