Dalcho Project year 2001

Bretherns of Ireland,

My name is Brother Don Burbidge and I live in Charleston, South Carolina. In
the year 2001 the Charleston Scottish Rites will be celebrating it's 200th

Below is a letter sent by Frederick Dalcho to a John Fowler of Ireland if it
is at all possible is there someone I can contact that can add some additional
light as to the what these two gentleman of the craft were doing and how they

In 1806 the Original Chapter of Prince Masons took notice of the orations
delivered by Dr. Dalcho in 1801 and 1803, and on October 17, 1807, John Fowler
wrote on the Chapter's behalf and at it's direction to ask Mr. Dalcho for
permission to reprint them. Dr. Dalcho replied on Februray 25, 1808,
expressing his gratification at the request and readily acceding to it.  On
December 21, 1809 Dr. Dalcho sent a following letter to John Fowler who lived
in Ireland at the time. At this time it seems that John Fowler wanted Dr.
Dalcho to vist Ireland with the intent of establishing a Sovereign Grand
Council of Inspectors General of the Thirty-third Degree for Ireland, to which
Brother Dalcho kindly promised to accede. 

Dear Sir and Brother,
 The very unpleasent situation in which our respective countries have been
placed for some years past has not only interurupted the usual commerical
intercourse and correspondence, but has renedered so infrequent the
opportunties of social that I flatter myself this plead with you as an apology
for not having answered the communications with which you have obligingly
favored me. Indeed I know not weather what I am now writing will reach you,
yet I am willing to embrace the only possible chance which may offer for some
I have received the book which the Original Chapter has been pleased to
present to me with, and feel highly sensible of the hobor which they have done
me by its republication.
I have sent by the present opportunity a copy of my Ahinam Rezon, which you
will be so obliging as to present to the Princes in my name. You will find but
little in it which is new, the publication being merely complied from, or are
elucidations of the old matter on the subject. The present, however, is
adapted to the state of the Craft in this country.
If the friendly relations between the two countries should be again restored,
which I pray the Supreme Architect may soon be the case, I shall endavor to
devise some means by which I may be able to put you in possession of some
valuable and interesting Masonic information. In the meantime I pray you to
present to the Illustrious Chapter my unfeigned wishes for its prosperity and
happiness and accept, yourself, my sincere and affection regards.

                                                       Frederick Dalcho

In the year 2001 Charleston will be presenting to the world it's 200th
birthday on the founding of the Scottish Rites in the United States. My task
is to research Frederick Dalcho. I ran across the above information and I am
interested in learning more about these two gentlemen. The reason is we are
planning along with the Supreme Council located in Washington, D.C. in
providing a clear picture of the founding memebers of the Superme Council to
which I have been given Frederick Dalcho to research.

Do you or any of the brethern know if Dalcho and Fowler ever meet each other
or passed along any information. Also did Dalcho help in forming the Sovereign
Grand Council of Inspectors General of the Thirty-third Degree for Ireland? 

If you or anyone else is interested in learning more about Frederick Dalcho
please pass along my e-mail address and I will provide any information I can
in a timely manner.

Brother Don Burbidge

Received on Saturday, 7 November 1998 23:10:26 UTC