Re: Gaps: (1) Language Readability, (2) Privacy

to follow up on what eric hansen said:

> Re: Gaps in Page Authoring Document

> I think that there are a couple of gaps in the page authoring
> document -- one having to do with the readability of language
> and the other with privacy of personal information.

> 2. Privacy of Personal Information
> "Inform the user how personal information will be used."
> One Web user declined to fill out information about his disability on a 
> scholarship search form because he was concerned that the information would 
> be given to institutions to which he was applying to graduate school. This 
> concern impeded his full use of the service.
> I can provide further suggestions on this issue if desired. I consider it 
> less critical than the language readability issue.

Our current understanding is that the privacy issues that
particularly affect people with disabilities affect adaptation on
the server side, or "content negotiation" in the current internet
parlance.  This is a recognized issue, not that we have done
anything concrete about it.  This concern is viewed as falling in
either the WAI-PF or WAI-UA group's domain of interest.  The way
we have been looking at it, this issues is outside the scope of
the document currently under development by this group.

It is not clear to me that the P3P proposals from W3C or MEDFREE
proposals from IETF actually meet the needs of people with
disabilities for privacy adequately.

If you would be willing to write a point paper in HTML on the
point that this is an issue, then Jon Gunderson and I can
arm-wrestle over where it goes on the WAI site, but I would
assure you it will be posted.


Received on Sunday, 25 October 1998 09:18:14 UTC