title att in techniques

The techniques doc says:

"To implement brief descriptions, use the "title" attribute 
In HTML 4.0, applies to almost every element 
In HTML 3.2, applies to: LINK, A 
In HTML 2.0, applies to: N/A "

This is incorrect. title applies to LINK and A 
also in HTML2.0. 
Same goes for "alt" which is very much 
available in HTML2.0 for IMG.


Nir Dagan                            
Assistant Professor of Economics      
Universidad Pompeu Fabra
Barcelona (Spain)

website: http://www.nirdagan.com
email: nir.dagan@econ.upf.es

"There is nothing quite so practical as a good theory." 
-- A. Einstein

Received on Saturday, 24 October 1998 14:15:03 UTC