RE: a public perception pitfall to avoid

The issue Charles raises in his suggested preamble is key to the wide
acceptance of the guidelines.  And, as Anne pointed out, a perception that we
are "deprecating" graphics could even lead to further access problems for
groups of people who want/need them.  I know that is not our intent.

I remember that some guidelines (perhaps captured in the original "Universal
Guideline" document) specifically tried to address the idea of using
or "easily understood" images to aid the Learning Disabled (as well as the
non-literate) population.  I also know that the idea of "easily understood"
images is a thorny one, not the least because of cultural differences across
the total web-population.  (Another issue being the singular lack of competent
and/or sensitive artists  designing for the web -- how many of us think that
because we have Corel Draw or some Web-graphic package that we know how to
design "good" images?)

I realize that I am not suggesting a solution here.  Perhaps I am just
restating the problem.  I second Gregg's request to Anne (and anyone else) who
can find the right words for this.

Page Author Guidelines Working Group
(613) 820-2272

Received on Monday, 31 August 1998 10:49:08 UTC