Re: minor comments on Technique examples


Tables: lines 752, 804, and 828
I don't know the meaning of 'TABLE border="border"'. (In HTML 4.0, border
accepts a value in pixels.) 

Nir: border="border" is a deprecated equivalent to border="1" . It is 
included in the transitional DTD (at least in a comment) for backward
That is, for browsers to respect it when formatting old documents 
who followed Netscape's TABLE implementation. In any case it has 
no room in W3C authoring guidelines as border="1" is preferred. 

DTD-wise <TABLE border> and <TABLE border="border"> are the same, but 
the shorthand version is generally more supported by current browsers.

Nir Dagan

Received on Saturday, 29 August 1998 06:01:27 UTC