No NOSCRIPT possible

Consider the case where we have a SCRIPT element inside the
HEAD of a document. The script contains several different
scripting functions each of which conveys important information
and each of which is called in the body of the HTML page.
Not only would it be hard to write the content of this
script element's corresponding NOSCRIPT element,
because it is referring to a group of scripting functions, 
but it violates the HTML 4.0 DTD to put a NOSCRIPT element 
in the HEAD section of an HTML file. 

I don't support requiring all SCRIPT elements to be in
the BODY -- the HEAD is often the best place for them.

I think the technique concerning NOSCRIPT needs some more
thought and I think it needs someone to go through a whole set
of examples and see what really needs to be recommended.
Any takers? Any other ideas?

Josh Krieger

Received on Wednesday, 22 July 1998 15:31:21 UTC