Re: CSS guidelines

> Some are obvious: for example that style sheet developers should, whenever
> appropriate, ensure that their style rules are restricted to the media in
> which they are relevant; relative lengths such as percentage values and
> EM and EX units should be specified wherever appropriate so that the
> author's style rules will be scaled correctly if the user has chosen a
> large font size; the creation of an audio style sheet should be
> considered, especially when designing a complex web site, etc.

Promoting the use of 'inherit' keyword as well.
> Is it proposed that a separate document be written to provide CSS usage
> suggestions, or will this be incorporated into the existing page author
> guidelines?

For now, I would prefer to see a new section on CSS in the current
document, and if it gets too long, maybe spawn a separate document.

Received on Monday, 30 March 1998 04:45:21 UTC