A note about GL discussions.

Friends and colleagues of the GL Working Group: 

We are about to begin discussion of a few outstanding and unresolved issues
relating to the Page Authoring guidelines. 

In each case, we will try and ask one or two fairly focused questions, or
present a proposed guideline for discussion.  To help us manage the flow of
discussion your co-chairs, Chuck and Gregg ask you to follow these simple

1. Within a thread, please limit yourself to discussions of the thread

2. If you see your thoughts branching to a side topic in your response to a
particular thread, please start a new thread yourself.  

3. If the co-chairs feel that discussion is straying, we will start a new
thread.  We acknowledge the difficulty in maintaining focus on topics that
can overlap or relate to many other objects  (take the ALT, TITLE, LONGDESC
discussion as a prime example).

4. We ask that discussions on GL remain focused on the guidelines
themselves: philosophical or societal questions should be taken to the
Interest Group List. 

Thanks in advance,
Chuck and Gregg
GL co-chairs

Starling Access Services
 "Access A World Of Possibility"
  e-mail: info@starlingweb.com
   URL: http://www.starlingweb.com
    Phone: 613-820-2272  FAX: 613-820-6983

Received on Monday, 2 March 1998 13:37:05 UTC