Re: Identifying D-links with "rel"

There is still the problem that the UA cannot tell 
to which image the link refers to. Assume you have two 
D-links in your document and five images. What does the UA do 
with that? How does it know to which images the links refer to?

The only usage that I can see is to have an option for the user to set
"hide D-links" or "show D-links", but then it can be done with longdesc.

The UA cannot decide on its own image by image whether to get rid of 
one of them (longdesc or D-link) since it wouldn't know which D-link is 
related to which image.

Authors should not use both longdesc and D-link simultaneosly.
Nir Dagan

> > longdesc is the modern D-link, look no further. 
> > Its only disadvantage is that it is not supported yet, 
> > but so is rel="description".
> The support for rel (or class) and longdesc go together, it's not
> about replacing one with the other.
> rel=description, or class=description, are meant to provide UA a way
> to formally identify a dlink as such, so that when both a longdesc and 
> a dlink A are provided by the author, the UA can get rid of one of
> them.

Received on Wednesday, 3 June 1998 06:05:18 UTC