Re: alt-text authoring guidelines

> Elsewhere we are urged to think what we would do if reading this page
> out on the telephone.  This seems to me to be excellent advice.  Would
> I read out: 
>              "XYZ Company Logo. XYZ Company" 
> in response to 
>              <H1><IMG ...> XYZ Company</H1> ?
> I would not.  Would you?

I would.

I would say: there is the company logo on the left corner (do you want
me to describe it?), then it says "Welcome to XYZ", etc.

So that later, on, if I refer to "the page with the company logo on
it", then it would make sense.

It's just information, and I don't see why I would not give it away.

Received on Friday, 10 April 1998 08:54:13 UTC