Re: Background patterns

My comments are preceded by CL::

At 09:27 PM 18/12/97 -0500, Judy wrote:
>Can't find anything on background patterns in the checklist or author

CL::  My quick response is that references to background images and colours
were removed from the checklist and guideline for two reasons:
1) colour and background issues are well covered in most general style
guides, and more importantly,
2) if all other accessibility guidelines are met, then colour choices and
background images are not really barriers since people who can see them can
control their display via their browsers (or personal style sheets).

Since the concept of controlling colours and background display through the
browser is not anything the page-author needs to worry about, it really
doesn't have to be mentioned in the guidelines.  It might be a good idea to
remind browser manufacturers not to ever remove the ability to control them
from their software -- but that is for the UI group to deal with.

If someone writes a "guideline for browser users", then that item would be
an important inclusion.


Markup Guidelines Working Group
(613) 820-2272

Received on Friday, 19 December 1997 09:57:10 UTC