Re: New Guidelines available for discussion.


I take it that you are referring to a simple 1-row by n-column table used
to lay out link-buttons (instead of using an image-map).  That use of a
table can be quite accessible, especially if the alt-text associated with
the button images doesn't wrap.  There are lots of reasonably accessible
uses of table to do simple layout, and this may be one reason that Daniel
objects to the strength of the guideline to avoid tables.  Lets's continue
this discussion on the new TABLE thread.  

At 10:19 AM 08/12/97 -0800, Raman wrote:
>on kinds of tables:-
>Note that there  are many tables on the WWW that serve the
>function of a toolbar. These do not fall into either of the
>two categories mentioned in DD's message

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Received on Monday, 8 December 1997 16:02:38 UTC