Re: Testing dynamic pages

On Thu, 1 Jan 2004, Charles McCathieNevile wrote:

> Thre are lots of open questions about the best methodology to apply
> here, and particularly about how to classify the results, but I am
> wondering if anyone has a tool that can actually walk through the
> process, and how this is done.

Interestingly my best suggestion for this is also my oldest
surviving tool, cg-eye (1997).  If you go to (e.g.) , select "cg-eye Live", it
offers you the opportunity to load a page containing a Form.
Look at what happens when you submit the form, and we have the
basis for an approach to this.

Building this approach into other tools is a longstanding item
on my to-do list.

Just my £0.02:-)

Nick Kew

Received on Thursday, 1 January 2004 10:42:40 UTC