- From: Nick Kew <nick@webthing.com>
- Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2003 22:07:37 +0000 (GMT)
- To: w3c-wai-er-ig@w3.org, www-validator@w3.org
[ Note crosspost ] I'm making major revisions to Page Valet. Part of this is a review of the EARL output option. It seems to me that the existing use of EARL in validation is something of a mismatch. Basically, the validator is making exactly one assertion: that a page is or isn't valid (passes or fails the test of being valid markup). Individual error messages are not really meaningful as EARL assertions: defining the testsubject for them has always been problematic, and repeating "fails" for each assertion is artificial. My current thinking is that the validator should make exactly one EARL assertion, and that the individual messages should be attached as qualifiers. They will then fall outside the EARL vocabulary, but that's IMO preferable to shoehorning it. So we have something like <rdf:RDF> <Assertor rdf:ID="validator"> bla bla bla </Assertor> <Assertion rdf:ID="validation"> <!-- standard EARL-ish stuff something like --> <Subject... (the page)> <Date ...> <TestCase .. (isvalid)> <Result ... (pass|fail) <assertedBy ... (validator)> <note> (whatever) </note> <!-- and actual errors if any, in their own namespace --> <val:error rdf:resource="#err1"/> .... </Assertion> <rdf:Description rdf:ID="err1"> <val:line>4</val:line> <val:char>52</val:char> <val:message>You can't do that here!</val:message> </rdf:Description> </rdf:RDF> Does this make sense? Any thoughts? -- Nick Kew
Received on Tuesday, 11 March 2003 17:07:41 UTC