Understanding Accessibility - Spanish Language Draft

Hello All,

The Understanding Accessibility (Covering WCAG Priority 1 and Section
508 US) book by HiSoftware (Translated - Spanish) is now out in "Draft
format" on our website. It will soon be available in PDF, .LIT, Print
Ready for those who want to mass produce, much like the English version
was used for. This is a draft of the translation because of the format.
Remember in some of the Example Sections Images Do not have alt text to
demonstrate using alternative text, etc.... The Current Draft of the
translation is very simple HTML. For review purposes.

We would appreciate any feedback as we formalize the production of this
version. The Complete book in HTML format can currently be found at:

A special Thanks to Emmanuelle GutiƩrrez y Restrepo for her hard and
important work on developing a good and usable translation. Emmanuelle
as you all know is with SIDAR http://www.sidar.org/. The main goal of
the Sidar Foundation is to conduct research and activities leading to
the development of an accessible and inclusive Information Society. This
goal is pursued through several kinds of activities: Information and
awareness, including our website, Education on accessible web design,
Research and development of technologies and methodologies, Information
exchange, mainly through mailing lists, Consulting on web accessibility,
either directly or through the mailing lists.


Rob Yonaitis
HiSoftware - http://www.hisoftware.com/co/yonaitis.htm

Department of the Navy (NAVAIR) Selects HiSoftware's Accessibility and
Content Quality Management Solutions

Received on Sunday, 9 March 2003 09:54:32 UTC