Accessibility Valet - Beta 2 for Windows Desktop Edition

On Wed, 28 Aug 2002, Nick Kew wrote:

> A Windows desktop edition of Accessibility Valet is now available
> for public testing at <URL:>.

A second Beta is now available.  There are a couple of fixes to the
library, but the main change is improved packaging and presentation.
You can now run the software as soon as you have unzipped it, simply
by selecting the RUNME supplied.

> Anyone interested in trying it is invited to download the test
> package, and (especially) to email me with bug reports or
> suggestions for improvements.

This comment still stands:-)

> For those not familiar with the existing online or Unix/Linux desktop
> versions, Accessibility Valet is a tool to analyse markup for compliance
> with the WCAG or Section 508 standards, with additional functions
> to clean up bad markup, and convert between HTML and XHTML.

Nick Kew

Received on Sunday, 15 September 2002 19:36:33 UTC