Re: Summary and proposals from 11 December chat

"Wendy A Chisholm" <>
> Discussion about making testmode a property of the Assertor or the
> []
> We had a 2-to-1 split on how to resolve this.  The stronger position is
> only allow mode as a property of assertion because allowing it on
> requires an extra processing step that might not be handled by current

I'm inclined towards having it on the assertion, but the cost here is a
lack of brevity so it would be nice if it could be inherited, I don't see
much of a problem in having it in both places.  The downside is that the
naive tool won't know what type of test was done, that's hardly
disastrous though.

> Currently, the schema says:
> <rdf:Property rdf:about="&earl;reprOf" rdfs:label="reprOf">
>   <rdfs:range rdf:resource="&rdfs;Resource"/>
> <rdfs:domain rdf:resource="&earl;WebContent"/>
> Leaving the range open so that people can extend as needed.

I understood you never used range  rdf:resource="rdfs:resource" anyway,
since everything is a resource so it's an entirely redundant statement.
I could be wrong though, my experience is limited.


Received on Thursday, 12 December 2002 12:50:19 UTC