Constructive criticism

To follow-up on my recent post:

I am not saying criticism is not allowed.  I am saying, don't be 
insulting.  Be constructive.

To set the record straight, we have thought about this issue before.  Here 
are some minutes from a meeting where it was discussed, as far back as 
January -

Do we store it in the file itself?  Attach it externally some way?  There 
was a lot of debate about this, as well as using XPath or line numbers to 
associate claims w/elements.  People already had some implementations and 
their own ideas of doing it.

We decided to focus on the schema and *then* implement it to get the kinks 
out.  We asked "what do we need to be able to express?"  We've done a 
pretty thorough job on that.  Now, let's figure out the rest of the issues 
- the questions I raised in my e-mail.

A lot of the thought has gone into how to generate EARL data, then 
transform it to present it.  We've primarily been thinking about  the 
developer - thus those are the questions we've been asking.  Now, it is 
time to start thinking about the user and how they can use EARL (primiarly 
it seems in searches).

We didn't do it all at once. Hindsight is 20/20.

We are working on implementations to work out the kinks.  This is a 
kink.  Help us work it out. Insults don't help anyone.

wendy a chisholm
world wide web consortium
web accessibility initiative
seattle, wa usa

Received on Friday, 19 October 2001 15:10:00 UTC