Next telecon - Monday, 3 December 2001

Our next teleconference will be held Monday, 3 December 2001 at the 
regularly scheduled time: 10:00 AM Eastern US Time (15:00 UTC/GMT).  To 
find out what time it is in your time zone use the Time Zone Converter [1].

It will take place on the MIT bridge: +1 617.258.7910 as well as on IRC
irc server:
port: 6665
channel: #er

Agenda for Monday:
- Schematron - Nick asks "is it useful to continue development on this?"
Refer to Nick's recent message:

- EARL 1.0. Refer to Sean's latest and greatest documentation:

- Jim's EARL client
and the question that came up about combining results between EARL reports.
Nick also brought it up in a separate thread a few days earlier:
Combining reports is one of the major features of EARL and one of the 
primary implementations we've been waiting for.

This thread also brings up the point of date not being sufficient to 
identify a report uniquely, especially for content that is generated 

Are there other topics people would like to nominate for the 
agenda?  Please send suggestions to the list.

Be well,


wendy a chisholm
world wide web consortium
web accessibility initiative
seattle, wa usa

Received on Wednesday, 28 November 2001 17:30:07 UTC