Re: In memoriam

"William Loughborough" <> wrote:-

> I would like to propose a "memorial reinsertion of
> 'Repair'" into EARL.

That goes without saying. His last message to me was an off-list
half-joke about voting for "Report" vs. "Repair" vs. "whatever". It's
clear that he liked "Repair"... although he did tell me that his vote
was for "whatever". Oh no - I didn't even reply... I thought he had
sent it to the list.

> If I can stop crying long enough.

Same here... I only knew him for a few months, but in that time I
found out how incredibly open and friendly he was. I can't even begin
to imagine the loss of the WAI, his friends, and his family. Deepest
sympathies to all.

Kindest Regards,
Sean B. Palmer
@prefix : <> .
:Sean :hasHomepage <> .

Received on Thursday, 17 May 2001 13:47:55 UTC