Re: 14 May 2001 ERT WG Minutes

> ·       Action SP: Take question about DAML intersection to
> DanC, RDF-IG or RDF-Logic. [...]
   - Reified Statements Using Restrictions

> ·       Action SP: send URI to list re: SWAG archives.

[Unresolved (as yet):]
> ·       Action SP: Work with Annotea folks to try to implement
> EARL bookmarklet.

I should have CC'd them about the original announcement really... I'll
contact them about it.

> ·       Action SP: update schema

A *draft* attempt just so people can see how I'm getting along is
attached as <<0.95.n3>>. I can't publish it as definitive until we get
some form of response from people about the DAML restrictions stuff.

> ·       Action SP: send EARL basic tutorial to list

I'll do this in a follow up letter - going to go through the material
that William has sent.

Kindest Regards,
Sean B. Palmer
@prefix : <> .
:Sean :hasHomepage <> .

Received on Monday, 14 May 2001 18:45:41 UTC