Fw: Can we agree on a feed?

I quizzed Seth about using XPath in semEnglish (the considered alternative
to Notation3) after seeing it put to good use in EARL (thanks to Wendy).
This is his response, which is very interesting. Seth is working on a lot
of stuff involving N3 and semEnglish, so it could be useful for us to take
a closer look.

----- Original Message -----
From: Seth Russell <seth@robustai.net>
To: Sean B. Palmer <sean@mysterylights.com>
Sent: Monday, February 19, 2001 5:49 PM
Subject: Re: Can we agree on a feed?

> "Sean B. Palmer" wrote:
> > An example came up on ERT IG... we've been using N3 to represent our
> > language (EARL) for a little while now, and there was some discussion
> > using semEnglish. N3 won out because of the tools :-) Anyway, Wendy
> > Chisholm came up with something like the following (in N3):-
> >
> >      <#img[@src="/Icons/detab"]>
> >
> > Which in semEnglish I believe is:-
> >
> >      [#:img[@src="/Icons/detab"]]
> Semenglish is all about bringing to the foreground the natural language
that we
> all know, love, and understand; and at the same time not sacrificing the
> precision that machine agents require one bit.  It is designed to be not
> the input from humans to semantic memory, but also the output from
> memory to humans.
> With that in mind, let me see if I can suggest a solution.   Apparently
we are
> stuck with <#img[@src="/Icons/detab"]> as a uri of which we must talk.
> this uri, if it is at all useful, needs a human oriented label.  I dont't
> what that particular thing is, but let me guess it's the (Detab icon).
So let
> me invent the verb xpath which takes as a  direct object a literal which
is to
> be interpreted as an Xpath.  So now I can say:
>     (Detab icon) xpath '#img[@src="/Icons/detab"]'.
>     Seth (wants to see) (Detab icon).
> Would that be acceptable to Wendy?
> Seth

Kindest Regards,
Sean B. Palmer
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[ :name "Sean B. Palmer" ] :hasHomepage <http://infomesh.net/sbp/> .

Received on Monday, 19 February 2001 13:21:22 UTC