Re: ERT WG proposal for discussion at F2F

> It's a special case of Sean's general statement, and perhaps
> we can just append it


> (Sean... would you add a pointer to the scenarios from the
> overview page?)

Done: (and also in the further reading
section, which I have yet to update properly). BTW, I hacked off the
".html" from the end of the URL. The W3C server handles pages without file
extensions, which is good for URI persistence: what if in twenty years time
we don't use HTML anymore? "/earl.html" is going to become redundent, but
"/earl" hopefully isn't (of course, EARL may become redundant too, but
historically it wont be. Really, date stamping it would be best). This is
all from "Cool URIs Don't Change -

> I also updated the home page to point to Sean's new overview
> page, per his followup to this message (titled EARL Overview,
> thanks Sean)

No probs.; the old one was rather out of date.

Kindest Regards,
Sean B. Palmer
@prefix : <> .
[ :name "Sean B. Palmer" ] :hasHomepage <> .

Received on Friday, 16 February 2001 10:18:39 UTC