Re: A Crack at an EARL Vocabulary

It looks to me that you want to be able to add external metadata to Web 
pages, and that is what we have done with Annotea annotations. We create 
the annotations with Amaya, and store them to a metadata server. Now the 
content of the annotations is usually HTML but I don't know why it couldn't 
also be some more metadata (only problem is to have an easy user interface 
for producing it).

With Annotea it is possible to have different types of annotations, 
comments are already there. Maybe assertion is a new type or a subtype of 
comment where the user can add to the content some EARL metadata too and 
the server can then fetch this logic and do queries also about that.

I'll discuss with the Annotea group if it makes sense for them to use 
annotations for making these statements. I'm also writing a public page of 
what we are doing so hopefully I can provide some more information soon.


At 08:22 PM 2/6/2001 -0500, Charles McCathieNevile wrote:
>On Mon, 5 Feb 2001, Leonard R. Kasday wrote:
>   I think it's better to distinguish between an assertion and a comment.
>   A comment would be free form text
>   An assertion would be a logical construct that carries semantics.
>CMN so far, so good
>LK  so for example if we have the following statements (dropping namespaces
>   the moment)
>   :len :asserts {:apple color red} .
>   :sean :asserts {:apple :color :green} .
>   a logic engine properly programmed to know what "asserts" means would find
>   a contraction.
>   On the other hand if we have
>   :len :comments "apple color red" .
>   :sean :comments "apple color green" .
>CMN What if we had
>:len :asserts {:apple :comment "well, it's really sort of a reddish yellow
>with a touch of violet haze"} .
>or (I forget the notation, but something like
>:len :asserts
>   about :apple ...
>    :color
>       :red
>       :comment "well, sort of green, but I meant to say purple"
>typically I imagine one person will be asserting a whole collection of
>stuff. And so will an average tool, although it won't want to claim
>responsibility for things the author asserted and it doesn't know about -
>that's a quality control issue though.
>   a logic engine would find no contraction (assuming the logic engine doesn't
>   parse and understand strings).
>   BTW, comments are typically about something.  Which gives us more info than
>   can fit in a triple. So what we really would need is something like
>   :com
>       :type :comment;
>       :madeby :len;
>       :appliesto :sometag;
>       :contents "apple color green"
>   .
>   Len
>   At 04:19 PM 2/5/01 +0000, Sean B. Palmer wrote:
>   > >   earl:asserts (x asserts y)
>   > > CMN Use DC:author
>   >
>   >I evolved that from Len's e:says. I think it is analagous to earl:comment,
>   >so there is probably no need for it in actual fact.
>   --
>   Leonard R. Kasday, Ph.D.
>   Institute on Disabilities/UAP and Dept. of Electrical Engineering at Temple
>   University
>   (215) 204-2247 (voice)                 (800) 750-7428 (TTY)
>   Chair, W3C Web Accessibility Initiative Evaluation and Repair Tools Group
>   The WAVE web page accessibility evaluation assistant:
>Charles McCathieNevile phone: +61 409 
>134 136
>W3C Web Accessibility Initiative   fax: +1 617 
>258 5999
>Location: I-cubed, 110 Victoria Street, Carlton VIC 3053, Australia
>(or W3C INRIA, Route des Lucioles, BP 93, 06902 Sophia Antipolis Cedex, 

Received on Monday, 12 February 2001 08:38:00 UTC