Re: A Crack at an EARL Vocabulary

Right. I meant that it woulld be helpful if we did define some ideas about
when something was in conflict if there were two diffferent statements (such
as x conforms and x does not conform) and when this doesn't matter...



On Sat, 10 Feb 2001, Sean B. Palmer wrote:

  > We need to know how to say that comments are things that
  > we aggregate,

  Well, RDF has no implied logic of it's own, so we don't actually have these
  problems. For example, a jumper can have two colours:-

       :jumper :color :red, :purple .

  But a person can only have one country of birth:-

       :Sean :birthPlace :UK .


       :Sean :birthPlace :UK, :USA .

  Is illogical to a human... but a tool wont know that, unless you tell it.

       { :x :birthPlace :a, :b . :a :notEqualTo :b . }
       { <> a :schemaInconsistency . }

  does that make sense? In other words, it is (IMO) allowable to have two
  completely differering comments for one subject, if you allow that in a
  related logical assertion (of course, you could then have a contradictory
  assertion, which is where trust comes in.....).

  > "the best way to get this to happen in the tool is to go through the
  > wobblywidget, but it is more fun to use the wiibblywodgt if you
  > are relying on a mouse"

  Well, don't get me started on the wobblywidget. I think that as WAI people,
  we need to look very closely indeed at how the accessibility advantages
  raised by the recent development of the wiibblywodgt can be applied to the
  mroe universal wobblywidget. It is of my own personal opinion that this
  cannot be achieved by normal development processes, but then that is one
  for the relevant group chairs to decide on.

  Kindest Regards,
  Sean B. Palmer
  @prefix : <> .
  [ :name "Sean B. Palmer" ] :hasHomepage <> .

Charles McCathieNevile  phone: +61 409 134 136
W3C Web Accessibility Initiative    fax: +1 617 258 5999
Location: I-cubed, 110 Victoria Street, Carlton VIC 3053, Australia
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Received on Saturday, 10 February 2001 19:30:36 UTC