Re: Larger EARL report: issues arise

> - everything after // is a comment, a la C++

Notation3 parsing is done with Python for the moment, so TimBL defined N3
quotes as the same as Python quotes. In other words, for "//" read "#". And
it saves a byte :-) Longer quotes can be done using the """ syntax. Three
double quotes starts and stops a multi-lined comment.

> :site      e:domain  <>
> :site      e:homepage  <>

Instead of repeating the subject, if the subjects are the same, but the
predicate and objects are different, you can use a semi-colon ";", so that
the above becomes:-

     :site e:domain <>;
     e:homepage <> .

Don't forget the full stop at the end (period); I always leave it out by
mistake too, and my N3 doesn't parse...

> @@ how to define sites that span different domains?

Things can have multiple objects. In other words, if you have some triples
where the subject *and* predicate are the same, you can use a comma ",",
like so:-

     :site e:domain <>,
     <> .

> :hu1 e:type e:human

We can probably use Wordnet for some of these terms.

> :t1 e:type e:tool .

How about using rdf:type, or in N3 this is abbreviated to "a":-

     :t1 a e:tool .

> :t1 e:says {:img1 aert:altStatus aert:suspicious} .

hmmmmmm..... I'm not sure about the use of a { context } here. I think you
mean a further node, such as would be represented by brackets: [ ], but I'm
not sure.

     :t1 e:says [ :img1 aert:altStatus aert:suspicious ] .

Othewise, it's a neat syntax isn't it? Please note that there are some N3
development tools that might be of use at
which includes an N3 to RDF processor, and a simple query engine (CWM).

I think that this is a neat direction for EARL, but we need to start
thinking exactly what we will require from terms in the earl namespace.
Daniel wrote a list down somewhere (I'll have to look it up), and I think
maybe we should start from that.

Kindest Regards,
Sean B. Palmer
@prefix : <> .
[ :name "Sean B. Palmer" ] :hasHomepage <> .

Received on Saturday, 3 February 2001 20:17:01 UTC