Re: Open Issue #20 - Absolute Units In Style Sheet

> Is it OK to use a point size in a style sheet?

Yes, in the correct place.

     @media print { p { font-size: 12pt; } }

> Should we suggest that the page author convert all font sizes to
> relative units (em, ex, larger, smaller, or a percentage)?

Only if the CSS sheet is to be used on a multitude of devices. If the
device is known, then absolute units can be used. Please note that em etc.
can be used for widths etc. as well, not just for font-sizes:-

     .navbar { width: 20em; }

Kindest Regards,
Sean B. Palmer
@prefix : <> .
[ :name "Sean B. Palmer" ] :hasHomepage <> .

Received on Friday, 2 February 2001 10:29:49 UTC