RE: Please review: Techniques For Evaluation And Implementation Of Web Content Accessibility Guidelines

> This review period will end Thursday, April 6 2000.
> Please send review comments before that date to
> [1]

> Technique 1.1.1 [priority 1] Check IMG elements for valid "alt"
> attribute
> Suggested repair:
> <li> If the image is assumed to be a bullet, suggested text
> should be "bullet".
> <li> If the image is assumed to be a horizontal rule,
> suggested text should be "horizontal rule".

I propose that this should read:

<li> If the image is assumed to be a bullet, it is recommend that list items
be marked up with the <LI> tag, possibly in conjunction with CSS -- which
can render bullets using the author's choice of graphic.  If this approach
is not satisfactory (to the author), then ALT="*" is recommended.
<li> If the image is assumed to be a horizontal rule, it is recommend that
horizontal rules be marked up with the <HR> tag, possibly in conjunction
with CSS -- which can render bullets using the author's choice of graphic.
If this approach is not satisfactory (to the author), then ALT="--" is

I would point out that <q>--</q> is what both Karl Ove H. and Wendy C. used
in the signature portion of their email (a text-only medium) to convey the
meaning of a horizontal rule...

Bruce Bailey

Received on Thursday, 16 March 2000 16:26:13 UTC