Re: Minutes from 12 June 2000 telecon

The benefit of using the RDF schema technique for tracking evaluation is that
it is easy to add a property (I would do it, if I had spent time working on
this stuff recently) for "not-evaluated". Or to build tools such that unless
there is an explicit statement about something it is assumed unevaluated. It
is reasonable to specify this in the documentation for the RDF schema itself.
(It already, because the statements are RDF, provides a framework for saying
who said what when).

Charles McCN

On Mon, 12 Jun 2000, Wendy A Chisholm wrote:

  12 June 2000 ER WG Telecon
  Summary of action items and resolutions
  Action WC, CR, MC, BM think more about how to save state information during 
  an evaluation session. Put on the agenda for the 17 July meeting.
  Resolved: Next week's meeting cancelled. Next meeting is 26 June.

Received on Monday, 12 June 2000 18:43:48 UTC