AERT 12.3 proposal

Summary of comments so far:
Of course, the choice of '10' for a trigger is subject to change, Gregory
feels its too high, Charles thinks it might be ok since, for example, "most
mobile telephone-based devices haev 10 number keys".  From Greg:

quote if one of our goals is ensuring interoperability, then FIELDSETs are 
indispensable...  if i were using a mobile device to fill out a form, i 
personally would want to be able to turn on "verbose forms mode", where the 
LEGENDs are spoken in conjunction with the individual LABELs defined for 
individual form controls...  this is how most screen-readers enunciate 
dialog boxes and property sheets (read field label if present before 
reading control label and announcing the state of the control, for example 
"checkbox checked" or "radio button not selected"), and how JFW operates in 
"Forms Mode" when MSIE 4x or 5x is running... end quote

My original suggestion:

Section 12.3 just has "Any suggestions".  How about:

Technique 12.3.1 [priority 2] Check for OPTGROUP elements within SELECT


              Element: SELECT
              Requirement: Should have OPTGROUPs if more than 10 OPTIONs.

         Suggested message:

              Group long lists of selections into a hierarchy using OPTGROUPs. 

         Suggested repair:

              Display the list and allow user to select groups. 


Technique 12.3.2 [priority 2] Check for FIELDSET elements if form controls


              Element: FIELDSET
              Requirement: Should have FIELDSETs if more a total of more

         Suggested message:

              Group related form controls and label each group. 

         Suggested repair:

              Display the controls and allow user to select groups. 

-Brian  35,900+ EV miles since 5/97!  Charged by biomass, wind, solar!

Received on Monday, 12 June 2000 10:46:00 UTC