Re: 13.6 trigger number

At 09:37 AM 01/26/2000 -0500, you wrote:
>I'm not clear on what you're asking...
>Are you suggesting that if a page has 15 or more links then the page author
>should group related links?

Asking if 15 or some other number seems like a reasonable threshold to
trigger asking the user if related links were grouped on a page.  Some
grouping can be automatically checked, such as a DIV around a group of
links.  Otherwise the question can be triggered by large numbers of links on
a page.

>Or are you suggesting that only groups of 15 or more links need a mechanism
>to bypass them?


-Brian  32,100+ EV miles since 5/97!  Renewable energy charging, soon!

Received on Wednesday, 26 January 2000 15:43:51 UTC