Re: URGENT: title and short name for ER WG working draft

I have a political problem with 'repair' vs. 'implementation.'

The UA group has been developing an allergy to assigning "repair" functions
to the user agent.  On the other hand, my analysis suggests that there is a
sliding scale of how much 'deconstruction' is involved before building an
appropriate view in the 'implementation' of the "transforms gracefully"

So if the UA group won't touch it if it's 'repair' I am concerned with
labeling these techniques 'repair.'

I will have to spin the application of the same methods as "augmented
analysis" prior to "view building."

If we can call them "Analysis and Reconstruction" instead of Analysis and
Repair and Jon is comfortable that the UA [including the team of commodity
browser and AT without allocating the functions for the moment] may do some
additional analysis and reconstruction on the way to the realized view(s)
then we are cool all around.

Oops.  I just realized that I slipped back into VHDL compiler lingo and
substituted 'analysis' for 'evaluation.'  Actually that is the component
function.  The evaluation and repair end-to-end jobs are done by (1)
analysis and (2) reconstruction techniques that are applied in that order
in both scenarios with minor variations in how each phase is done.

Cute version:  

Symbol: ART2

Title:  Analysis and Reconstruction Techniques for Assessment and Repair


At 10:18 AM 2000-04-21 -0400, Wendy A Chisholm wrote:
>In trying to get the ERT published as a public working draft as issue has 
>come up with the title and the short name.
>I had proposed that the short name (the unique URI identifier) for this 
>document be "ERT" as that is what we have been calling it within the 
>group.  However, other W3C folks felt that the short name needs to reflect 
>the title of the document.
>Currently, the title is, "Techniques For Evaluation And Implementation Of 
>Web Content Accessibility Guidelines"  which is a real mouthful...
>The proposal is that we change the title to something along the lines of:
>main title: "Techniques for Evaluation and Repair Tools"
>subtitle: "for conformance with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines"
>thoughts? if we get this settled today it can still be published as a 
>public working draft this evening otherwise we wait until next week.
>wendy a chisholm
>world wide web consortium
>web accessibility initiative
>madison, wi usa
>tel: +1 608 663 6346

Received on Friday, 21 April 2000 11:16:24 UTC