Accessibility Report Tool

I compared the list of checkpoints included in the tool with the 
checkpoints in WCAG.  Here's what I found:

1.  there are 16 P1 checkpoints in WCAG, 6 of those show up in the report tool.

2.  The report tool has 19 checks:
WCAG checkpoint 1.1 is represented twice.
8 checks are p1.
9 are p2 (one of these is sometimes a p3)
1 is a p3
1 is "other"

3.  there are 10 WCAG P1 checkpoints missing.

I propose that we modify the tool so that at least all P1's are checked 
for.  A second form could contain all of the P2's and could be skipped.  A 
third form could contain all of the P3's and could be skipped.  If not all 
three forms are filled out, the report that is generated should make it 
clear that there are other levels that could have been checked but were not.


Received on Tuesday, 26 October 1999 18:04:43 UTC