Re: comments on Web Accessibility Report Form

aloha, daniel!

thanks for the quick reply to my comments on the form...

GJR wrote:
didn't input eddresses which i defined in step 3--is this because the form is
not yet "live"

to which DD replied:
It's live.

The only reason I can see is that the webmaster email you entered was
not valid (meaning not in the syntactic form user@domain.tld).

i used the standard delimiter -- a comma -- between the suggested syntactic
form (i.e. a variation on, based on the URI i entered in
Step 1) and the email address of the person who maintains the page (someone who
had contacted me personally and asked me to update a link to her site)

i don't believe i put any white space between -- is white
space necessary? is it kosher to put more than one eddress in the To: field in
Step 2?  these are things that should either be mentioned on the Step 2 page,
or tips that could be collected into a help page for the report form (yeah, i
know -- help pages for forms are a pain in the ass, but...)

GJR commented:that the form
didn't acknowledge the MSIE 5.0 choice that i made from the OPTION list--how
can i report that more than one browser was used to analyze the page?

to which DD replied:
You need to enter all the browser names in the Other textfield.(no need to
select anything then, since Other overrides the selection from menu)

ok, but this, too needs to be documented, so that the reporter knows the proper
procedure to follow...

and your point on pointing back to the archive

The script that generates the final "thanks" page has no way of knowing the
exact url of the report - which BTW might not have arrived yet - so pointing to
the archive is not really useful (might be harmful if the reporter thinks she
needs to do it again).

is a valid one...

He that lives on Hope, dies farting
     -- Benjamin Franklin, Poor Richard's Almanack, 1763
Gregory J. Rosmaita <>
   WebMaster and Minister of Propaganda, VICUG NYC

Received on Wednesday, 20 October 1999 17:19:51 UTC