Tablin planning

The HTML Table linearizer tool has been sitting off the ER page as a
downloadable java filter for a while without receiving much feedback,
so I'm planning some new development to make it more attractive.

- create a Tablin home page that explains the whereabouts of the tool
  (intro, rationale, usage, various setup, etc):
  Status: mostly done

- release a "final" version of the java filter code with servlet
  support and test files:
  Status: mostly done

- make it available as an online Web service with a FORM and URI
  direct interface (see mockup at
  Status: working on it with my student Eric in Sophia
          hope to have something running by the end of November

- make it available as a ",tablin" tool on the server and make
  the apache HTTP setup for this new "commatool" available as well.
  Status: home page available (
	  started talking with Gerald about implementation
          hope to have something running by the end of October

- as people provide more setup for other environments, publish them off
  the tablin home page (already have lynx, could have a jigsaw
  proxy setup, a IE powertool, some kind of plugin, etc)
  Status: home page available (
          lynx page available (

Comments welcome.

Received on Thursday, 14 October 1999 08:19:03 UTC