Re: Guidelines Implementation

> As part of the evaluation and repair process, we need to create a set of =
> specifications for implementing the WAI page author guidelines. The =
> specs would be used by A-Prompt and Bobby in the design of our software. =

I started a similar thread in

my plan was to use the checklist directly, but after some discussion
at the face to face, it looks like we need to split further some
checkpoint that are too generic (like 1.1).

> The specs should be written with the following goals:
> - precise enough for use by software programmers
> - simple enough for everyone to understand and comment upon
> - complete implementation of the WAI page author guidelines

What do you mean exactly by implementation ? It's a little vague.

My goal my to have a page describing the "Techniques for automatic or
semi-automatic evaluation of the WAI WCAG".
> I've started a document that might fulfil these goals and would like =
> your comments and suggestions. The doc is stored at:
> This document is not complete and is a rough first draft!

I'll comment on the content of this page in a separate message.

Let's try to agree on a format to track this work first.
> I would like to see the document finished reasonably soon (end of June =
> perhaps) so that we can code the software.

Sounds like a good target date.

Received on Wednesday, 19 May 1999 06:38:39 UTC