Mouse skills (learning difficulties)

I am interested in any web based activities that initiate and motivate mouse
Particularly if they provide a degree of feedback.
Could members send me relevant URL's?

The following two projects are suggestions, would Java be a suitable

We are planning a resource for The Science Museum in London.

Their hands on activities include

1.    A Tiptoe tester, similiar to playing grandmothers footsteps, if you
tread too heavily the lights come on and eventually an alarm sounds.

    Mouse movement would be measured, feedback provided allowing the user to
guage their mouse control.

2.    Picture stick, this is a wand that if waved allows one to see a
picture projected on to it.

    Rather more frantic effort required, with control. Similiar to 'magic
watercolor books'

Developing through to simple mazes, wordsearches and....well please send
them in.

Received on Friday, 19 March 1999 03:24:23 UTC