3 points about Text free (<30 words) sites

1    I have read that providing links to original material held on others
servers does not infringe copyright . This does not seem right, but can
anyone point me to a definitive statement? ie img src ="http:/www....
I would like to implement this but have not done so yet.

2    Where could the WAI recommend that sites which use ASP's and the like
either provide accessible sites for non readers, and others, or leave their
db's accessible for responsible users? The work around involves caching the
site and then stripping it, again something I have done, but it is slow.

3   word counts in meta tags.
Please could we implement this somewhere?
I was just writing to a friend about his db searching problems explaining
that I had spontaneously abandoned my similiar  project, (searching for text
free sites) because the results were so thin ~1% and that is the gross and
these would need severe weeding. You would be amazed at the number of sites
with more than 300 words I estimate ~~10% But my vb spider had to stop
counting somewhere because looking and counting takes an amazingly long time
compared with other more relevant activities.


Received on Sunday, 14 March 1999 03:25:49 UTC