General Repair and Browser Hints [was RFC for mediator warnings ]

Seems to me that Silas's suggestion of a mediator warning in the heading
could be generalized to "hints" in general for any part of a page.  For
example, a way of marking a table that it being used only for layout or to
kluge a list.  E.g. a CLASS convention.

(I realize of course that we want people to use CSS for layout, lists, etc,
but I don't think that's realistic till nearly all browsers and designer's
favorite tools support CSS.  Please start a new thread if you want to
comment on that).

Browsers could also use the hints.  However, it's probably better to not
push this while browsers are implementing other things.


BTW, I left the "Re" out of "[was RFC for mediator warnings ]" because the
w3c mail archive system fails to index it under the new heading when the
"Re" is in there.  A bug.
Leonard R. Kasday, Ph.D.
Universal Design Engineer, Institute on Disabilities/UAP, and
Adjunct Professor, Electrical Engineering
Temple University

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(215} 204-2247 (voice)
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Received on Saturday, 13 March 1999 09:21:07 UTC