Re: Whos going to CSUN

I'll be there, from Wednesday evening to Sunday.

> I might also be able to reserve the IBM suite, if the group is small
> enough, for the er-ig group to meet.
> I would like to suggest that er-ig group meet after the Dardailler and
> Clark session 195  Saturday 9:20-10:20am in the Denver room in the Marriott

Thanks for the offer Phill, but W3C groups cannot meet on an adhoc
basis like that, without informing the membership several weeks in
advance. Anti-trust regulations are watching us!

Lunch is OK, as long as it's informal.

WAI has already scheduled meetings for Saturday/Sunday (including a
update on ER on Saturday afternoon).

Received on Thursday, 4 March 1999 03:59:22 UTC