Re: page and site complexity measures [was Re: Web Content Acc

Numerical measures are by their very nature unreliable, unfortunately.  
For example, what if you introduce a new word *and define it*, then use 
it lots of times?  But more to the point, being told that "Your document 
has a rating of 12.0" is not at all helpful (as I find out when I type 
things into Microsoft Word and use its built-in grader).  It's like 
saying "Your website is rubbish" without giving any indication of how to 
make it better.

Maybe what we need is a spellcheck-like tool that helps with 
simplification where this is possible.  Eg. on that sentence it could 
highlight 'simplification' and suggest 'making it easier' (among perhaps 
two or three others), or 'is possible' -> 'can be done'.  All we need is 
the database.  (Of course, it would be harder to do if you wanted it to 
be possible in languages other than English as well....)


-- Silas S Brown, St John's College Cambridge UK

"Do not put your trust in nobles, nor in the sons of earthling man, to whom
 no salvation belongs." - Psalm 146:3

Received on Thursday, 4 March 1999 00:57:29 UTC