Re: Guideline 1 in The evaluation techniques document

>Another reason for the distinction is the (perhaps incorrect) behavior of
>the most popular text-only browser.  Lynx treats them differently.  Missing
>ALT Lynx will treat as [LINK] or [IMAGE].  ALT="" will hide images and links
>from Lynx.  ALT=" " will be rendered as Lynx as [ ].

this must depend on the lynx version or options.  I don't get those results
with Lynx 2.8re1.3

With this lynx I'm, ALT="" and ALT=" " are treated the same.  The images
themselves are always invisible.  I don't get any [ ] for ALT=" ".
However, the picture changes when link numbering is turned on.

With lynx -number_links filename.html
 neither gets a link number in front of it.

with lynx -number_links -hiddenlinks=merge filename.html

the links themselves are invisible, but the link number [1] [2} [3] show up.

This was with the test file 

     1  <HTML><HEAD></HEAD> <BODY>
     3  <a href="foo.html"> <img src="foo.gif" alt=""> </A>
     4  <a href="foo.html"> <img src="foo.gif" alt=" "> </A>
     5  <a href="foo.html"> <img src="foo.gif" alt="x"> </A>
     7  </BODY> </HTML> 

which renders as


Thus, if the user has the merge option on, they'll see all the links.


Leonard R. Kasday, Ph.D.
Universal Design Engineer, Institute on Disabilities/UAP, and
Adjunct Professor, Electrical Engineering
Temple University

Ritter Hall Annex, Room 423, Philadelphia, PA 19122        
(215} 204-2247 (voice)
(800) 750-7428 (TTY)

Received on Friday, 25 June 1999 10:57:00 UTC