Re: techniques for tables (clarifying how to handle nested tables for the ER group)

At 05:00 PM 12/1/99 -0600, Al Gilman wrote:
>The other part is that I would prefer to know what, if any, use has already
>been given to nested tables out in the field.

I've had a real world need for nested tables, just yesterday in fact.  I've 
got a table summarizing how we report data reporting to government and 
other agencies all of whom want things a bit different. It's a tableof data 
category by report name. The data category  is a set of headers down the 
first column. The report name is a set of table headers across the top row.

Some cells contain just a single entry but some have a table.  For example, 
one agency might just want the total number of minorities, in which case 
the cell contains a single number.  Another report may want a table showing 
how many of each minority, in which case there's a table in the cell.

By the way, the table entries aren't actually just read-only numbers.  They 
are actually form fields.  In other words, this is a form embedded in a 
table.  But the table is serving a categoriztion purpose.  It isn't just 
for layout.


When I said "does that take care of it" I meant an implicit <smiley>   I 
agree it takes more than those couple of sentences.

Leonard R. Kasday, Ph.D.
Institute on Disabilities/UAP, and
Department of Electrical Engineering
Temple University
423 Ritter Annex, Philadelphia, PA 19122

(215) 204-2247 (voice)
(800) 750-7428 (TTY)

Received on Thursday, 2 December 1999 10:03:09 UTC