Accessibility: It's about people - new videos in How People with Disabilities Use the Web

Dear WAI Interest Group,

We are pleased to share an updated resource with new videos highlighting "Accessibility: It's about people":

     How People with Disabilities Use the Web

This resource introduces how disabled people use the web, including people with age-related impairments. It helps developers, designers, content creators, and others understand the reasons behind creating accessible digital products - including websites, apps, browsers, and other web tools. It covers:

  * Stories of Web Users ('personas') – represent the experiences of people with different disabilities.
  * Diverse Abilities and Barriers – introduces the wide diversity of abilities, and highlights some accessibility barriers that people experience because of inaccessible digital technology.
  * Tools and Techniques – covers the tools and techniques that disabled people use to interact with digital technology.

The stories of web users are significantly updated. There are new videos to go along with the stories and the other pages.

We welcome your input into future revisions of this resource. Near the bottom of each page is a "Help improve this page" box with links to GitHub and e-mail.

For related resources and videos, see:

     Accessibility: It’s About People

To quote the new videos: Whatever your role, "You can help make technology accessible to me."

~Shawn Lawton Henry for
EOWG Co-Chairs during development of this resource:
Brent Bakken
Brian Elton
Kris Anne Kinney
Sharron Rush

Shawn Lawton Henry
W3C Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) Program Lead
W3C Accessibility Education and Communications Lead

Received on Tuesday, 25 June 2024 13:23:14 UTC