Re: EOWG Friday meeting - Nov 17, 2023

Hi all,

I regret to inform you that I am unable to attend the upcoming meeting due
to unforeseen matters. I look forward to seeing you next week.
Note: I think I have finished all the current surveys.


Brian Elton <> 於 2023年11月16日 週四 上午8:43寫道:

> Hi all,
> This Friday’s meeting agenda
> <> has been posted. We
> are going to have a bit of a casual session this week.
> We will start off talking about using GitHub for posting issues, etc. and
> some of the best practices around that. I will also walk through the
> features and functionality of GitHub for those of you that are unfamiliar.
> We will then have a bit of a casual discussion about the kind of work we
> want to be doing with EO. I am not entirely sure how the conversation will
> flow, but we want it to be an open forum for people to voice their ideas
> and opinions with the goal of committing to edit or contribute to some of
> our resources that are in need of updates. Have a look through Current
> Projects <> and WAI
> website resources status
> <>
> as a primer.
> Oh, there will also be a survey!
> See you Friday!
> Brian
> Brian Elton
> Practice Manager, Training
>  [image: Tpgi]
> TPG Interactive
> A Vispero Company
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Received on Friday, 17 November 2023 09:49:29 UTC