EOWG Agenda for 8 July 2022

Dear esteemed EOWG colleagues,

The agenda for this week is updated at:

Before the meeting, please take a little time to review the outreach links in the first agenda item, and come with your questions.
Bonus points to anyone who adds to the wiki before the meeting!

Scribe needed: The first couple of people on the scribe list might not be available. It might be an easier meeting to scribe than some. If you want to volunteer this week, please move your name to the top of the list and put Friday's date. :-)


Thanks much to everyone who completed and commented on the Curricula: Content Author Modules Monkey Review! [1] Daniel is working through comments, and waiting for more reviews to come in. He is getting back to commenters, and might have questions for EOWG to discuss next week.

~Shawn, Kris Anne, Sharron, Brent

[1] survey results https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35532/curriculaContentAuthorsMonkeReview/results
GitHub issues: https://github.com/w3c/wai-curricula/issues

Received on Wednesday, 6 July 2022 20:30:26 UTC