Re: EOWG re-charter - your help requested

Hola Anna,

Em demanen els de W3C EOWG un statement of support per la feina que fa el grup:

"The Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona firmly support the work done by the Accessibility Education and Outreach WG. The WAI resources and training materials developed by this group are a highly valuable reference and inspiration for creating materials to promote and implement web and digital accessibility"

Et sembla bé?


Estel·la Oncins Noguer
Post Doctoral Research Fellow TransMedia Catalonia
Edifici MRA 126  - Campus UAB
08193 Bellaterra
T. +34 610 655 149<><><>


De: Shawn Henry <>
Enviat el: dilluns, 30 de març de 2020 20:40
Per a: EOWG (E-mail) <>
Tema: EOWG re-charter - your help requested

Hi EOWG colleagues,

As mentioned in the EOWG telecon, we could like all participant's help documenting support for the EOWG re-charter. For now, here are two things for you:

1. Statements of Support, particularly from W3C Members.
* Examples from 2017
* Place to put new ones now:

You can add these to the wiki yourself if you are comfortable, or feel free to send them to me to add (if so, make sure it's clear in the e-mail that it's OK for these to be posted publicly).

Please do this as soon as feasible -- we hope to announce the draft charter on Tuesday 31 March. You can put your own statement for now, and later add statement(s) from others as you get them.

2. Use of EOWG Resources
* Examples from 2017:
* Place to put ones from 2017-now:

Let Chairs and I know if you have any questions or suggestions.

~Shawn for Sharron and Brent, too

Received on Tuesday, 31 March 2020 09:16:54 UTC