Re: EOWG - Eval Videos - stills for Friday 20 Sept discussion

Hi Shadi, all,

In general I like the white gradient background and also the blue 
background. I think we can use both to signal breaks in the narrative 
(for example when talking about different resources, one resource could 
have a white, another one a blue background – just an idea).

* `Computer blue bg red icons blue computer.png` – Depending on 
context the red icons might mean “warning or danger” in context of 
the depicted disabilities.

* I’m not down with the depiction of humans, still. I wonder if that 
is just something that I experience, but I think I would better react to 
any of the “pawns” if they had facial features.

   * “Triangle” (1) – I have seen triangles pointing down to 
specifically denote men (maybe in biology books?) but I cannot find 
references at this moment. It also feels a little bit aggressive.

      (I also get 
[Gizmoduck]( vibes, but 
that probably just dates me.)

   * (2) Looks a little bit like a baby, but that’s probably down to 
the scale on the Pawns.png image. I don’t think the arms add a lot to 
it, compared to (5).

   * (3) & (4) “How to build a snowman” ;-) They look too abstract 
for me.

   * (5) Feels least offensive to me.

If we use text, please make sure they use Noto Sans going forward, so we 
have some consistency with the text on the page:

I assume the production company is aware of our UI color palette (It 
looks like they are) – of course the video will also need other 
colors, for example we don’t really have a clipboard color there ;-) :

Thanks for sending these, I know how hard it is to get all 
considerations under one roof.

👋 Eric

(The link below was redacted by request.)

On 18 Sep 2019, at 17:40, Shawn Henry wrote:

> Hi active EOWG participants,
> Updated draft images for the videos are in a zip file that you can 
> access from:
> We will discuss them on the call this Friday 20 Sept -- agenda topic: 
> "Discuss sample visuals 'stills'..."
> Best,
> Shawn for Shadi
> -- 
> <>


Eric Eggert
Web Accessibility Specialist
Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) at World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

Received on Thursday, 19 September 2019 09:36:23 UTC